anyway. i have been actually working at work despite what the photo to the left shows. the opening day for the purple cow theatre and i did over $21,000 worth of ticket sales in one day. plus i am sitting naked in front of people again, now that the school year is in full swing. and to top it off, my friend super d called me to understudy some chick in his premire performance show. apparently the chick in question has some butt cyst and had to have it removed, and i am there as a backup. this is all on top of trying to tie up any loose ends in the planning of the wedding between myself and The Boy. the director has me up til 11 and the dog has me up at 6 but i might as well just stay up all night as The Boy and the dog are both bed hogs and i rarely get a good, full nights sleep. so needless to say... i'm weary.
on the brighter side is that i get to wear a tutu and pointe shoes in my latest modeling endevor and i am getting lots of practice crocheting as i sit on my ass at the theatre, watching butt girl traipse across the stage. (she is back from the surgery and is going on in the show but i still have to go to rehearsals, despite the fact that i have no intentions of going on for butt girl.)
so the show is Fame Forever. do you remember the film, Fame? well, there was a stage musical, called Fame, recently made that picks up with the school year after the film. it was tolerable. Fame Forever picks up 20 years later and current students are the kids of the characters in the other musical. toss in a couple of ghosts looking for reincarnation and a forey into the near future and you have it. pure tony gold. blrrugh. this script is the biggest bunch of waffle i have ever read. here is just a sample:
Year- 2014, Setting- performing arts high school
Serena: So you made it (to the 30th class reunion) this time.
Nick: Yeah, I'm on hiatus from my new show. It's this reality show thing.
Serena: "Beyond Space and Time."
Nick: Yeah
Serena: It must be tough, filming on the moon.
Nick: Well, it's... you know what? It is what it is.
you can't get any better than that folks. anyway... the show is cast with folks that i have had the great pleasure of working with in the past and working with them is a pure joy. the choreography is excellent, esp: the tango. sexy. anyway, the show opens in a week and emotions are running high. gotta love those wacky theatre folks. i'll just be glad when it is over so that i can get some sleep.
let me just leave you with an image that i saw the other day. i don't know what it is but it works at the wal-mart and thinks that it is a witch. i can neither confirm nor deny wether it flies on a broom but it weaves nightmares into the dreams of small children and feble-minded.

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