Well. it has been far to long between this and my last post and i will promise to think about getting better at that. as a recap on the last 2 1/2 months... himself and i were wed at disney. everything went off without a hitch. and living at disney for a week is quite therapeutic but anymore verges on the creepy. everyone was very nice and gave us free stuff. i like free stuff. after that, my aunt died so i had to go to texas. after that, the snowbirds came down from up north and are driving all self-respecting people nuts. after that, it was christmas... i got a computer but i don't have internet at home yet so i play a lot of majong right now. himself got a min pin puppy named rusty. after that, i got sick and spent a week in bed. i hate being sick. so now here we are. with the new year.
this year, as with most i want to get in better shape, be nicer to customers and drink less soda. there you have it. my resolutions. so far, i have done ok but, we are only a couple weeks out. we will see how i do.
can anyone believe what is going on in hollywood. it's like they're taking crazy pills. writers on strike and britney really flipping her lid. i just hang my head and wait for project runway to come on. i really really love that show. christian needs a reality check. vyctoria needs to chill and ricky needs to get a grip. i love chris. go to his website and check out his designs. http://www.chrismarchdesigns.com/
another site you should check out is http://www.marriedtothesea.com/ i was asked to stop reading it at work because i was becoming too rowdy. here are some of my favorite comics from the site.

so today is looking like it will be another stellar day at the van wezel performing arts hall. aggressive, rude customers and outdated software...paradise on earth! today i am determined to finish knitting the sock i started two weeks ago. hooray for socks. making them has been like wrestling an octopus, but they'll look kick ass when i am done
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