i'm gonna let all of y'all in on a little secret. i really really like broadway shows. i admit that i'm a bit of a geek when i comes to theatre (actually, on the whole, i am a bit of a geek in general so it really shouldn't be a surprise that i am a theatre geek as well.) so why am i bring up the obvious? i was just thinking the other day about the two shows that i want to bring to broadway, the great white way. y'all are pretty clever folks that read my blog so you are assuming that those shows are Nightmare Before Christmas and Rent. hold on, tat2kitten, i hear you asking. nightmare before christmas is a movie and rent is already on broadway. let me explain.
some of you may not know that i have a bit of a passion for sign language. i think that it is the most beautiful spoken language ever and i have tried for many years to learn to speak it and make it a second language. a few years ago, there was a production of Big River (tom sawyer, huck finn that hole thing) and the whole show was both sung out loud and with sign language. it was more than a show. it was a beautiful production that was grand and exquisite and everything theatre should be. well... since i love sign language and i love rent... why not put the two together. if they can do it with a crappy show like big river than rent would be a sensual celebration. imagine two mimi's that interchange seamlessly, one grinding against the scaffolding and one signing the lyrics. or a roger that plays guitar while sign language roger stands beside while his fingers dance the lyrics. i would want to stick as closely as possible to the original blocking and choreography but enhancing it with sign language. it would be spectacular. just thinking about it makes me excited to attempt it.
the other project that i would love to tackle is putting nightmare before christmas on stage. disney is putting everything on stage nowadays. for gods sake, last season they put up tarzan. tarzan! and now they have that damn fish girl. the reviews of Little Mermaid were terrible. well, they were fun to read but bad for disney. one said that the only people that would like little mermaid on stage would be glitter crazy 5 year old girls and somewhat psychotic drag queens. that pretty much sums it up right there. why should disney keep putting up schmaltzy shit? why not put up a uuber cool cult classic. now, i have actually been working on this one. i have a notebook that i jot down ideas in. the set should look like the film which looks like edward gory stuff. the costumes should be an enhancement to the the film, but also broadway-y. i hear you asking yourself, "self, that is all well and good for tat2kitten but what about the magic-y-ness." well. let me just remind you that Himself is a magician. problem solved. i have notes for just about every aspect of the show. costume, lights, set, production staff and even casting. my imaginary casting is as ever changing as the sea but currently this is where i stand.
the narrator: (this is a tricky role as it could be an actual actor, a voiceover or double cast with santa) if its an actual part= john hurt (mr ollivander in harry potter and also the storyteller from jim henson) if its a voiceover= either patrick stewart or tim curry, if it is double cast with santa= tim curry, john goodman or kevin james from king of queens.
jack skellington: my friend chris crouch, an excellent singer, dancer, and actor plus the fact that he's hot as shit.
sally: either amy adams (giselle from enchanted) or amy lee (lead singer of evanescence)
Oogie Boogie: it has to be ben vereen
lock: max casella (in newsies and doogie houser md)
shock: vanessa ray (25th annual putnum county spelling bee- national tour and finding nemo: the musical)
barrel: patrick stump (fall out boy)
santa: i don't know. any of the gents that i mentioned above like tim curry or john goodman or kevin james. or some other wonderful guy that i haven't thought of.
the mayor: timothy spall (wormtail in harry potter and nathanal in enchanted)
that's my list so far. and if anyone wants to let disney know that i have some great ideas and that i work for cheep, that would be fine with me.
1 comment:
You know sometimes your thought pattern just amazes me. I don't know where you come up with some of this stuff, but I love it. You are one creative woman and I wish I had half the imagination that you have. I love you and keep up the good work.
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