i was raised in the south by the baptist. so easter is more than bunnies, baskets, and beautiful, bountiful candy. Jesus was crucified and three days later rose from the dead to concur death and save the world from their sins for those who believe. thanks Jesus.
but running a very close second to Jesus would be the candy. i love the easter candy. believe it or not, i don't normally eat candy. i would rather eat a cake or a pie or ice cream or something like that. not candy. but when spring rolls around every year, i put down my cookie/cake/ice cream and take up the joy of the easter candy. my absolute favorite is peeps. i could eat peeps until i make my self sick and i usually do at least once a year. there is nothing more heart-wrenchingly wonderful than a mouthful of peeps. as of late, the novelty of the peeps has somewhat diminished due to the fact that now every holiday has its own peeps. at halloween there are pumpkin, ghost and cat peeps. at christmas there are peeps. forth of july has peeps. hell, even arbor day has flippin' peeps (ok i made that last one up, but you get the idea) i rarely eat this poser peeps. i am quite the peep purest and save myself for the shockingly bright chick and bunny peeps of easter. maybe it's the gooey processed marshmallow, maybe the colorful sugar coating, maybe the insane blood sugar spike that my body labors through like junkie. i don't know. i just know that i like them so there.
i also love marshmallow eggs. they come in a real styrofoam egg carton and are, again, processed marshmallow covered in really cheep chocolate. now, i admit it... normally, i am a big ol' snob when it comes to chocolate. i lived in london for chrissakes. i like godiva, and lindor balls and fine gourmet chocolates from specialty stores. but every easter the marshmallow egg's siren song leads me down the path of unrighteousness. as i write this i have actually eaten 7 marshmallow eggs which were given to me by my lovely friend, SoJess.
i don't like cadbury cream eggs. they get my hands sticky and sticky hands are well out! plus, it seems to me that they have shrunk in the last few years. i like reese's peanut butter eggs, despite the fact that i don't like peanut butter. chocolate easter bunnies are lost on me and i have yet to figure out their appeal but the chocolate crosses with the candy easter lilies are intriguing. i love love love the cadbury mini eggs and have frequently lost my dignity in my consumption of them.
so... all in all, i love easter and the Jesus and the egg painting and the children in outfits that make them look like cupcakes, but the candy is the best thing about spring (except for that whole Jesus dying for my sins. thanks Jesus), esp. the peeps. oh peeps, you naughty beasts you.
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