i may sound like a hypocrite but i'm not. please let me explain. i love animals. i love animals more than people. i have been known to cry at zoos as i become moved by the beauty of the creatures that i see before me. but on the flip side, i own a antique fur coat and i eat meat. my dad and most of his family hunt deer, doves, fish, squirrel and most other woodland creatures. i see nothing wrong with any of this as my dad is allergic to everything in God's green goodness and needs to eat something. plus that coat that i have was inherited from a friend who, in turn, inherited it from his grandmother who was put in a home in florida. and as for my instance on being an omnivore, screw you, i like to eat meat.
but let me just as here and now that i cannot abide animal cruelty. i can and there is nothing more to say. you know, there are people out there that bawk at the jail sentences that animal beaters get. usually the offender gets a hefty stay in the poky for doing something to an animal. and i say good. and those that give the argument that, "well... that rapist/child molester/murderer got less time in jail that the leader of the dog fighting ring, and that's not fair." all i have to say to that is sorry, bub. them's the berries. human victims have the chance to get away (granted child victims and old people can't really get away and there are always exceptions to everything) but an animal doesn't really have a defence. especially a dog. dogs are very trusting and need to be in a pack even if their pack is abusive. and those ass-jacks that have the dog fights are... i have no words... they make me so goddamned angry i can barely see straight. pictured above is one of the dogs that was rescued from that monster michael vick. the dog is hector and is being fostered in san diego. apparently, he is healing well and finds joy in stealing underwear from the hamper and cuddle time with his foster mom. look at that face. that is one cute dog. if i ever see that michael vick... i swear, i would probably fly at him like a whirling dervish and try to scratch his eyes out.
i also like chickens. i want chickens. i think that it would be nice to have chickens so that i could have fresh eggs. yes, i know that you have to go get the eggs everyday and sometimes chickens are a pain in the ass to keep, but i like them and i want some. so don't get me started on cock fighting. there was a couple that had a bunch of roosters that they kept for their cockfighting ring that was held at the back of their property, which they claimed they kept for the eggs. i hope that they catch some infection from a scratch from one of the roosters and have to have their limbs amputated.
so there was this asshole golfer that was sentenced for hitting golf balls at a hawk and killed it. fucker. i want to just beat him about the head with his own golf clubs. the poor hawk was hit in the head and had blood coming out of its nose. i love birds of prey and have a healthy respect of them after working at a zoo that featured rescued birds of prey. they are noble, intelligent, beautiful, helpful and kinda funny. even vultures are cool. mortis was our vulture and he could do tricks. i thought that he was the bee's knees. so the thought of people purposely killing theses birds pisses me off.
now, let us move on to those poor cows that were being abused by that slaughterhouse. i'm not going to talk about slaughterhouses in general, just that one that was pushing the cows with the forklifts. i cried. poor cows. maybe we should push those workers around with a forklift. poor cows.
i could go on and on about how insane i think the marines are. i haven't met too many of people from that branch of our military that are actually normal. i know that there are normal marines but most of them are psycho's. with that said, who is that fucker that threw the puppy over the cliff and why wasn't he thrown over the cliff too? god, just because you can be a dick and carry a gun doesn't mean that you should. i don't want him protecting my freedom; i want to punch him in his ass face. i know that the military kinda likes that kind of heartlessness in its soldiers but come on. it's a puppy. and it was a cute puppy at that. god, i don't even know what to say. ass.
speaking of ass, pete dougherty is next one my tirade. that ass made a crack pipe for his kitten so he could have a drug buddy. then filmed it. i cried for days about that baby kitten. i want pete to die. and that is a very big thing for me to say. i don't normally wish death on another human but this man should just od to keep his filthy drug ways away from his cat. poor kitten.
i think that i am going to stop writing now because i am getting myself all worked up and i'm having trouble typing. i do what i can to help the animals. i have several rescue animals in my home. including my ex-racing greyhound, my parakeet, my 3-legged cat and my mouse. i tried to save another parakeet from a petland that i worked at for like 2 days before i quit, disgusted at the treatment of the animals. but the poor thing was too far gone. at least i tried. don't even get me started on petland. the only reason to shop there should be to save all the animals. you would be completely disgusted by their everyday practices. no deep cleaning, rinsing the stool and urine down the sink. sick animals nebulized in cages caked with dry stool. i could go on but i'm starting to get angry again.
just remember that animals, whether they are cute and fuzzy or slimy or scaley or spiney, are wonderful gifts and that they were here first. and, more than likely, they will be here after our asshole society is long gone.
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