ready for another instalment of tat2kitten's journeys abroad? well... here we go!
August 27 '98 @1:24 (uk time)
i'm listening to "leaving on a jet plane" on my cd. Guess who i'm thinking about? i guess i really haven't stopped thinking of kevin since we said our farewells. sunday. that was truly the hardest good-bye i had to say. i'm just so tired of hurting. kevin says"absence makes the heart grow fonder" i say "or forgetful". i don't want to forget him. he's too charming, romantic, funny beautiful, happy, godly, impish, caring, loving, smart (jeeze kid, get on with it) smart, talented, amusing, silly, bubbaish, comforting and trying.
thank you for giving me such safe travel thus far. the lightening outside the plane is pretty. scary but pretty. thank you for letting it not hit the plane. thank you for kevin. he has added much to my life. Lord, i just pray for his future wife (i don't think that he is married... i looked him up on myspace and it looks like he is single). lord, please let her love him unconditionally and take care of all of his needs. please allow her to grow close to you and be able to be the spiritual woman that you would like her to be as you child and kevin's wife. lord, i also pray for and life up my husband. (that would be Himself the magician) Lord, please love him and hold him in your arms. let him be the spiritual man that i need as i walk in your will. lord, please give me the wisdom to know what that is exactly. lord, i just pray that he loves me and makes me feel safe. god, please be with kevin as he travels with his band. bless his words, voice and songs and lease give him a hug for me. thanks. i love you god. you are too awesome for words. greater than any other thing, person or power. i love you.
August 28 @ 2:22 (central standard)
we got off the plane, went through customs and met the group without a hitch. i went outside and saw my breath. we think that it's about 65 degrees. ha ha!
1 comment:
I love you mooning over Kevin. Keep the entries coming!
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