August 29 @ 11pm (Harlaxton)
my first full day in harlaxton. it wasn't half bad. breakfast was ok but i think that they cook only the yokes of the eggs here. yesterday afternoon, melanie poucher and dore fomby and i went to the gardens. it was great, very peaceful and nice. there are five Hardin-simmons university students. me, mel, dore, jason king and larry lawson. last night they gave us a tour of the manor. i did not care!i was so freaking tired. today, i went to grantham with dore, mel and larry. i must not forget kevin (this guy again?). i know it will be hard because i am not used to this whole thing but i will try because he means to much to me to loose. i wish he were here. i think he would have had a good time and i know he would have LOVED the gardens. i picked a thistle for him. it's pressing right now. it's not that i'm looking for someone - i'm so used to having male friends and the only friends i have right now are girls. not that that's bad. it's just weird, i guess. everyone i've met is nice i guess, but everybody is nice when you first meet them one the first day of orientation. we spent the morning in grantham. saturday market was there so there were lots of shops and vendors selling things. i found dr pepper so i'll be just fine. i won't sell out kevin!!! this thought is crashing through my mind. i only ever know two guys and they are both from my school. i won't sell out kevin! he deserves better than that. hell, he deserves better than me. his picture is sitting on my nightstand.i just caught a glance of it. i love the smile (ok blah blah blah.... i liked this guy and he was really great... blah blah blah... let's just skip to the good stuff. if i go one about that guy again i'll just surmise or leave it out all together)
well. at the market, i bought at bucket for my bath stuff, a towel, a face cloth and an elbow wrap which i thought was a knee wrap -- so i can't read. i also bought some paper and 2 dr peppers. i also bought my books and switched my class from philosophy (i shouldn't have done that!) to shakespeare. i had to buy 17 books in all, including the modern drama book i brought from home. some of the former hsu/harlaxton students left a couple of boxes of stuff. i ended up with a notebook, more paper, some travel books, some markers and a pillow.
(i go on about kevin for a while)
anyway, i explored on my own today and found a lot of stuff like different ways to get somewhere (i.e. servant and secret passages) dinner tonight was for us to eat with the president of the school. i wore my black pants and silver. everyone met in the great hall, shook the pres's hand, drank some wine and stood around looking at each other. then all of a sudden, from out of nowhere, this man playing bagpipes comes in and leads us to dinner. it was quite a spread! fruit cocktail and bread... then the main course of chicken cordon bleu, potato and broc. followed by tea and pastry. white wine and water was served to drink. at 8:30, a bunch of us went down to the pub in front of the manor. Greg's. i had a pims and lemonade and a two dogs. it's an Australian lemon brew. i also had sips from other peoples drinks like stout and a snake bite. i liked the snake bite! i'm not drunk (yeah right), a little sleepy perhaps but fine otherwise. i think i may get kinda lovey if i were to actually get drunk but since that hasn't happened yet - i wouldn't know. (more yap about that kevin) someone just drove up in a taxi but i can't tell who. i know a lot of, well about half of the group went pub hopping in grantham. you know... half of the shakespeare books i bought, i all ready have. at home! well, that's life. ironic- don't ya think. well i'm going to shower now. it is now midnight!
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