some people have been waiting for this day for 10 years. i like to think that i have been waiting for about 8 or 9. the end is near and i can practically taste the antici......pation. i, like my dear friend jess, have stopped reading anything online that could even be remotely connected to the harry potter book. i don't want to face any spoilers, as i have waited far too long to READ IT MYSELF. when the film release was looming, i stopped hounding the net for teasers (since i don't have cable, i hadn't seen any teasers for the film and was curious about how it looked.) now that the book is eleven hours from being released i have stuck my head in the sand and completely ostrich-sized myself from most media. 3 months ago i started re-reading all 6 of the other harry potter books. the first three, i read i like a month. after that... i tried to read more slowly. like only in the bathtub. or only at night before i fell asleep. even then, i still had two weeks to go. i tried to pick up other books, but i couldn't concentrate. so i broke down and bought that mugglenet book about what is going to happen. The Boy thinks i'm a bit mad for buying a book that hypothesises what will happen in a book that hasn't been published yet, written by people that aren't affiliated with the publishing of harry potter. they have some fine ideas about what will occur in the final installment. some i agree with. some i don't. i decided that i would go on the record as to what i think will happen and any questions that i want answered.
- who will die in the last harry potter book? well.... i thought long and hard and i'm afraid that Hagrid won't see the end of the series. a poetic death would be if Norbert the Dragon showed back up and in confusion ate Hargid by mistake. i think that Lupin is safe but all the Malfoy's better watch out. Draco pissed off Voldy by not completing his task. Narssissa defied Voldy by telling Snape about it and Daddy Malfoy let Harry escape in OOTP so Voldy is probably still pissed about that. death, thy name is Malfoy. ma and pa Weasley have a 50/50 chance of survival. i have a feeling that it will be Arthur that bites the big one. Neville might meet his maker while dueling with Belletrix, but i think that he will live. ginny, ron hermione and harry all live. Snape will die. Wormtail will die. Voldemort will die.
- will harry return to hogwarts? i think so but not to attend school. he will either need the assistance of someone there and go and fetch them or there is a horcrux hidden somewhere at the school and he will need to find it.
- which relationships will there be? harry + ginny (despite the fact that he tried to break up with her for her protection, she won't let him go) ron + hermione, lupin + tonks, bill + fluer, filtch + madam pince
- what is the Deathly Hollows? i think that it may be a place. the potter's lived at godric hollow and i think that something about that place was made into a horcrux because not only was it harry's home, it also had something to do with godric gryffendore.
- is Snape a good guy or a bad guy? good guy. like sirius said, "the world isn't divided into good people and death eaters." i think that he is a good guy that just happens to be a dick. i think that he felt forced to take the unbreakable vow with narssissa to keep up appearances that he is a true death eater. he immediately told dumbledore and dumbledore told him that stopping voldy was more important that anything and that he would take one for the team if he had to. so on orders from dumbledore, snape killed him. i also think that snape will have an important role to play in stopping voldy. he will finally let the facade drop and show his true GOOD colors.
- is harry a horcrux? no. i don't think so. i don't know why he has such a connection to voldy, but i don't think it is because he is a horcrux.
- what are the horcruxs? the diary, the ring, the cup, the snake, the locket, and something at godric hollow
- where is the locket? i think that aberforth, dumbledore's brother, has it. he runs the hog's head and was seen with mundungus fletcher when harry accused fletcher of stealing sirius's stuff. i think that aberforth bought the locket from fletcher intending to hand it over to dumbledore when he got a chance.
- did dumbledore have a will? i don't know but i would like to see if he did and did harry inherit anything.
- how will harry defeat voldy? don't know but i do know that it will be a battle royal! voldy has ollivander and is having a new wand made for himself because he doesn't want another wand delima like in OOTP. neville will defeat belletrix. snape will "take a bullet" for harry allowing harry to defeat voldy. wormtail will lead harry to the horcurx or tell him how to finally defeat voldy. but in the end, harry will stand battered and torn but victorious over the crumple form of voldemort. i kind of envision it to look like the cover art for star wars.
i know that i will cry and then re-read so as to really soak it all in. i am going to be at the barns and noble tonight at midnight to buy my book. so no one call me tomorrow, i will be reading. i will reemerge sometime saturday afternoon. when you are done with the book, please do not feel the need to speak to me untill i too have finished. text me if you like, but only tell me that you are done. nothing more. if anyone spoils any part of this book for me... i will find you and i will cut you.
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