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celebrity bash haiku
i can't say that i pity her. she has had a copious amount of chances to get on the strait and narrow. i understand that addiction is a bitch but home-slice needs some real help. not promises. that place is a joke. just look at their other "success story", brittney. what she needs is a good stiff jail sentence. not that it did paris that much good, but one can always see the glass half full. i do pity the everyone else in god's green creation, though. family lohan is just too much crazy for this world, or any other, if you ask me. the parents are whacked, the kids... well lets hope that the others learn from their big sis's mistakes and SAY NO TO DRUGS. drugs are bad, m'kay. oh and p.s. lindsey, that whole "those weren't my pants" excuse is right up there with "my alarm didn't go off" and "my dog ate my homework". just thought that you should know :)
1 comment:
My question is what the hell is a multi-millionaire doing wearing someone else's pants? HONESTLY.
(ps. love your blog! ;))
- jess
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