so. it is now the wednesday following the release of the much antici...pated final installment of the harry potter series, harry potter and the deathly hollows. i cried and laughed and basically made a fool of myself as i read the book. i also (fearing that i would hear spoilers) tried not to go anywhere that would put me in contact with any other humans. but after two days of generally steady reading, i finished the tome. and it was great. so that being said... let us examine my predictions and see how i did.
- Who will die? more like who won't die. jebus! that woman was out for blood when she put pen to paper for this book. surprisingly hagrid survived but only just. i thought that he was done for by the spiders. lupin and tonks were killed in the front lines of battle; which is very upsetting as they just had a son. but since harry is the godfather... he'll take excellent care of the boy. the malfoy's somehow drew the long straw since they were spared. i felt sure that at least lucias would be personally killed by voldy. mr and mrs weasley had a winning hand. although, JK said that arthur was to be killed off by that snake in book 5 and got a 2nd reprieve in this one too. you go, molly weasley! "bitch don't play!" i'm happy that neville not only lived but stood right up to voldy and slayed the snake and then goes on to being a prof at hogwarts. i knew that ginny, ron, hermione and harry would pull through. and i knew that snape, wormtail and voldy would die. (but who didn't know, right?)
- Will harry go back to hogwarts? totally on the money. he went back to get the horcrux made of ravenclaw's tiara.
- Relationships? ginny and harry hook up in the end. once ron and hermione get their heads out of their own ass's, they end up together. tonks and lupin are married from the get go and even have a kid. bill and fluer have a lovely wedding that is gate crashed by death eaters. no word on madam pince and filtch but i bet they canoodle at the back of the library after the students have all gone to bed.
- Deathly Hollows? i wasn't right about it being a place. they actually were the things that can make you the master of death: the elder wand, the resurrection stone and the invisibility cloak. but harry's birthplace does play quite a big role in the book.
- Was snape good? of coarse. though, i wish he could have died in battle or something spectacular. and he was totally hot for harry's mom, lily.
- Harry a horcrux? i didn't think that it was possible but there it is. i like how it was handled
- what are the hocruxs? diary, ring, locket, cup, snake, tiara and harry
- Where is the locket? i was right that it was taken by mundungus but wrong on who he gave/sold it too. god, that umbridge woman is soooooo evil. i love it!
- Dumbledore's will? he totally had a will and left stuff to not only harry but ron and hermy too
- How will harry defeat voldy? i thought that he was a goner when he was hit with the killing curse yet again. but what did i say? harry has it going on. just like the cover of star wars. except with ginny sitting at his feet instead of lea
again, i loved the book. let me know how you liked it. i am going to start reading it again in a couple of days so i can see if i missed anything.
in other news... gary oldman is hot! there i said it. and i feel better for it.
this just in! becks is hot too! i know that this isn't really breaking news but i thought that i would share.

this is a sight that greeted me this morning on the way to work. there is a bright green scrotum hanging there under the licence plate and the text on the window there says "keep 'em swinging". how could i not share this with you. maybe this is the brother/lover of the redneck bad girl.
and now i would like to start a new weekly tradition: Celebrity Bash Haiku. this week i have trained my sights on: Britney Spears

1 comment:
Well, you are going to hate my comment but I really didn't like the book. I felt it was choppy and rushed in so many sections and she skipped over some really important elements. The part I hated the most was the epilogue because she did not go into other characters futures. All in all I give it 2.5 stars out of 5. It was not her best book and I am a little disappointed in her as a writer. There were some good elements like the Kreatcher and Snape scenes and the war at Hogwart but I wanted more and she did not deliver. I will call you this week and we can discuss.
Also, I really hated how she killed Fred and then did not show George's reaction or future. And then bam Tonks and Lupin are both dead but the Malfroys get to live, hmmm not impressed with that either. Also, what about Neville's parents? I don't know, I just think she could of done better.
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