now, i was as happy as the next person when may 25 finally arrived. there are some handsom men in that film that needed to be seen again. johnny depp -- loved him since eddie scissorhands and damn! he makes one handsome pirate (bad teeth and all), orlando bloom -- as a pirate he started to grow on me but he will always be legolas to me. but it was not these minor addonis's that made me egar to purchace my ticket. it was (heaven help us)...
mr. geoffrey rush. yes i know. barbossa?!? yes. he captured my imagination in shine. made me laugh in shakespeare in love. and seduced me in quills. yes my friends... i'm a weirdo. but it is his acting and care for his craft that is the alluring bit about him. if i want i bit more eye candy i'll turn to...
now i think that this is a much nicer view. say hello to mr. ewan mcgregor. i first laid eyes on ewan in a little film called trainspotting. god love him. this man can do no wrong in my eyes. his was heartbreaking in moulin rouge. and though he is no alec guinness, he was the jedi of my heart in the new star wars. funny thing is... i lived tantilizingly close to him when i was living in london. when i worked at the florist, one of my co-workers used to babysit him and is close family friends with his family. the big cat trainers for the lion used in big fish were in a show with me at one of the theatres i once worked. he and i are fated to meet. i figure that one of two things will happen. either i will be sent to jail for causing some public scene and my ass will be slapped with a restraining order or i will make an utter fool of myself by losing all ability of speach and he'll humor me thinking that i am some "speacial" fan of his. my ex was actually jealous of mr. mcgregor. i rented velvet goldmine, in which ewan shows the world "little ewan". after waving his trouser snake at the camera, the ex paused the video and said, "ok. now you've seen it. so who is sexier? me or him?" "i think you are very sexy, honey." "that's not answering the question." " well, he is sexy if you like that sort of guy." "that still is not answering the question. who is sexier: me or him?" at this point i could tell he was becoming visably upset by my deliberate stalling, so i calmly answered, "you are much sexier than ewan mcgregor." (my fingers were totally crossed) he then smiled and said "thank you" and left the room. as soon as his back was turned, i silently yelled at him, "ewan mcgregor is way more sexier than you, you psyco." but as much as i heart ewan, a small piece of that heart belongs to...
mr. robbie williams. this hunk of man left me breathless as i listen to him on my first sojourn across the pond. i had the best picture of him from the british cosmo. he was going camando in some designer trousers with the fly completely undon and bare-chested. good night, loretta. that photo was hot! i had it up in my dorm at college and was told that i couldn't have it back because it was considered pornographic. damn ra's with ther room checks. so i went to the head of campus houseing, who just happened to be the daughter of the head of tech theatre, and got my pic back. thank you very much. but my real movie boyfriend is...
the incomprable mr. gary oldman. despite the fact that he hardly lives through any of his films, it is his eyes that hold me prisoner. you name the film and i will tell you why he is hot in it. and my favorite depends on my mood. i'm looking forward to the new batman movie. which, apparently, you can't swing a dead cat on set and not hit a uuber hot piece of man flesh. christian bale, heath ledger and gary oldman. be still my heart. speaking of the uuber hot...

how excited am i about this film. it has the old burton standards: johnny depp and lady burton herself, helena bonham carter, but also will have mr. alan rickman (loved him in robbin hood and harry potter and dogma) and sacha baron cohen (ali g and julien, the king of the lemurs). i love the show anyway and am interested to see it portrayed on film and who could do the macabe tale justice other than the man who made goth cool, mr. tim burton.
so i guess, after looking at this list of movie crushes, i have to give a shout out to queen elizabeth II. it is her country that gave us most of this list and i tip my crown to you, liz. p.s. i love your hats!
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