i love my mom. she is the picture of grace and loveliness that most women aspire to. she also has one of the sickest sense of humor and i blame her for my fragil mental state.
let me explain. in the arts (theatre, dance, art, lit, film) there is something called the suspention of disbelife. this is how the "magic" of the cinema/stage/whatever happens. we (the audience/reader/whatever) allows ourselves to "believe" that what is happening is real. for example... Finding Nemo. there are no talking fish; fish don't have eyelids; no father fish would swim halfway across the ocean to find his son; puffer fish would have eaten the other fish in that tank; not all drains lead to the ocean; and in all my months of hand feeding pelicans, have i ever seen a pelican that won't at least try to eat a fish that is put in it's mouth. the only things that i could say were realistic are that clown fish really aren't funny and that seagulls probably really are saying "mine." but we the audience choose to believe all these things and enjoy a fine pixar film.
why, you may ask, did i have to go through all that? and what about my mama and my mental state? well... last night The Boy and i were watching Clash of the Titans. wonderful film. thank you mr harryhousen! and i got to thinking about the first time that i watched it with my mom. i distinctly remember turning to her (mind you, i was like 5 years old at the time) and asking her if i could have the pegasus. she looked down at me with all the love of the world in her eyes and said, "no, you know that i am allergic to horses. besides, we live in a townhome. where would he live?" i'm sure that she thought that she was being very funny at the time. notice that she didn't say, "no, you stupid kid, it's not real." another time, we were watching Star Wars Empire Strikes Back. i asked if i could have a Ton Ton (that half ram, half furry dinosaur looking thing on the ice planet). i wanted one because han solo had one, and if it was good enough for han, it was good enough for me. anyway, again my mom (the picture sweetness and apple pie) said, "i don't think you can have a ton ton. they live on the ice planet and we live in texas. it would be far too hot for them." she also gave the the bologna about us living in a townhome and not having a place to keep it. does anyone else see a trend here? every mytical creature i would want as a pet, i was told the same thing. not that they weren't real but some excuse for not being able to keep it. so well into my childhood, i still thought that they were actual animals that could be owned under the right condtions. i remember making a golden bridle out of yarn and sitting in the yard for hours trying to lure a unicorn to me. or watching my grandmothers azalea bushes for signs of fairies.
but i guess it isn't all bad. i have a great imagination that i try to put to good use daily. cast members love when i am in the audience of a show because i am completely willing to get totally into the action of the play. The Boy gets a kick out of watching me watch movies (i.e. cry alot at the sad parts). so i figure that i will thank her next time i talk to her, although i have a feeling that she is still laughign about the time she said that i couldn't have a dragon because our house was a wooden house and the dragon would probably burn it down. damn, sicko lady.
let me explain. in the arts (theatre, dance, art, lit, film) there is something called the suspention of disbelife. this is how the "magic" of the cinema/stage/whatever happens. we (the audience/reader/whatever) allows ourselves to "believe" that what is happening is real. for example... Finding Nemo. there are no talking fish; fish don't have eyelids; no father fish would swim halfway across the ocean to find his son; puffer fish would have eaten the other fish in that tank; not all drains lead to the ocean; and in all my months of hand feeding pelicans, have i ever seen a pelican that won't at least try to eat a fish that is put in it's mouth. the only things that i could say were realistic are that clown fish really aren't funny and that seagulls probably really are saying "mine." but we the audience choose to believe all these things and enjoy a fine pixar film.
why, you may ask, did i have to go through all that? and what about my mama and my mental state? well... last night The Boy and i were watching Clash of the Titans. wonderful film. thank you mr harryhousen! and i got to thinking about the first time that i watched it with my mom. i distinctly remember turning to her (mind you, i was like 5 years old at the time) and asking her if i could have the pegasus. she looked down at me with all the love of the world in her eyes and said, "no, you know that i am allergic to horses. besides, we live in a townhome. where would he live?" i'm sure that she thought that she was being very funny at the time. notice that she didn't say, "no, you stupid kid, it's not real." another time, we were watching Star Wars Empire Strikes Back. i asked if i could have a Ton Ton (that half ram, half furry dinosaur looking thing on the ice planet). i wanted one because han solo had one, and if it was good enough for han, it was good enough for me. anyway, again my mom (the picture sweetness and apple pie) said, "i don't think you can have a ton ton. they live on the ice planet and we live in texas. it would be far too hot for them." she also gave the the bologna about us living in a townhome and not having a place to keep it. does anyone else see a trend here? every mytical creature i would want as a pet, i was told the same thing. not that they weren't real but some excuse for not being able to keep it. so well into my childhood, i still thought that they were actual animals that could be owned under the right condtions. i remember making a golden bridle out of yarn and sitting in the yard for hours trying to lure a unicorn to me. or watching my grandmothers azalea bushes for signs of fairies.
but i guess it isn't all bad. i have a great imagination that i try to put to good use daily. cast members love when i am in the audience of a show because i am completely willing to get totally into the action of the play. The Boy gets a kick out of watching me watch movies (i.e. cry alot at the sad parts). so i figure that i will thank her next time i talk to her, although i have a feeling that she is still laughign about the time she said that i couldn't have a dragon because our house was a wooden house and the dragon would probably burn it down. damn, sicko lady.
you're odd.
Best reasoning ever - living in a townhome.
Momma is a weaver of dreams... or b.s... You're choice.
i think that is awesome what you mom did. in fact I find myself telling Zu Zu that stuff all the time when she ask for mermaids or monsters. don't knock the parenting techniques until you come one. although people tell me all the time that my daughter is weird. hmmm
love you hon
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