Monday, March 31, 2008

No Day But Today!

i wanted to take a moment to let everyone know that my blog will be out of commission for an undetermined amount of time. i have quit my job at the theatre and i don't have internet set up in my house yet. we have just been lazy and haven't set it up yet but we should have internet within the week so i should be back on track soon.
so. why, you may be asking, do you have the original Rent poster on this blog? what does that musical have to do with you quiting your job? everything, says i.
Rent is one of those every special shows that actually opened my sr year of high school. i immediately fell in love with it. i bought the soundtrack, the show book, the sheet music, a couple of t-shirts, some postcards and have spent more money on tickets to various performances than should be allowed. you see, jonathan larson (the brilliant mind behind the show) died of a heart aneurysm after the final dress rehearsal in his apartment. it was past midnight; technically, it was the day of the show. he would never see his baby open on the great white way. about that same time, my grandfather died of a heart aneurysm. i just simply felt connected to the show on a very personal level.
it was also a watershed moment in my development as an adult. i was raised in a very religious household. looking back i am very grateful to have been sheltered (in a way) and given the chance to remain a kid a little bit longer. i had great friends in my church and was generally safe from drugs, booze and sex. there is a time and place for all things and i firmly believe that is called college. but because i was so sheltered, i naively thought that the church was the be all, end all to any and everything. this show (and rocky horror show) opened my eyes to a totally different sort of people. people that i could identify with and felt more at home with. and i thank shows like rent that help people like me come out of their shell.
so anyway, i love rent. i have seen it enough times that i have lost track on how many time i have actually seen it. i have met and hung out with original cast members and have had the great good fortune to see them perform on stage in the show that changed broadway forever.
again, i hear you asking... "what does all this have to do with quitting your job?" hold your horses, i'm getting to that.
so rent is on tour again. and it is coming to the theatre that i work at (for now at least). as far as i can see, there have been no disclaimers on the show. this is the same theatre that will put a disclaimer that there is a strobe light used in a show but hasn't had any for rent. for you unenlightened few who are unfamiliar with Rent, it is the opera La Boheme set in late 90's new york city with lots of rock music. there is pretty explicit language from the get go and there are to gay couples. now, me, i don't care one jot about any of that. it's a fun musical and i cry most of the 2nd act and i love it. but for a elderly resort community that the average age is 65... weeelll, they kinda don't like stuff like that. so when i sell tickets to Rent, i ask, "are you familiar with the show?" if they say yes then i proceed, business as usual. but if they don't, i tell them that there is language, rock music and adult situations. if they want to know what the adult situations are, i say that there are homosexual relationships. that's all i say. usually the customer will proceed with the order or they will confess that the show doesn't sound like their cup of tea. so i try to sell them something else. 9 times out of 10, i get the customer to purchase something. well my supervisor overheard me giving the disclaimer to a customer (which i have been doing since the tickets went on sale in september) and went completely apeshit. she started shouting at me saying that i wasn't the morality police and that i had no right telling people that there was homosexuality in the show and that it isn't any of my business and all sorts of things. then she gets the rest of the box office involved and it turned into an attack on me. to be heard over my supervisor, i shouted "IF YOU DON'T LIKE WHAT I SAY, THEN TELL ME TO STOP. AND THEN DROP IT!" then i stormed out of the office slamming every door that was unfortunate to cross my path. i was so upset that night after work, that i spent most of the night in tears and made myself physically ill the next day. even now, more than a week after the event, i am really pissed.
all of that happened on a wednesday. the following monday, i wrote a resignation letter (while at work) and delivered it to my boss. she was very understanding in my desire to leave, although she is under the impression that i'm solely leaving because the ringling college is giving me more hours. i did tell her about the altercation in the box office and she (of course) sided with the supervisor. so all in all after all of this happened, today is my last day. and yes, i'll be taking on more hours at the school so there will be no worries as to my fiances. i just thought that y'all should know.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

i love easter!

i was raised in the south by the baptist. so easter is more than bunnies, baskets, and beautiful, bountiful candy. Jesus was crucified and three days later rose from the dead to concur death and save the world from their sins for those who believe. thanks Jesus.
but running a very close second to Jesus would be the candy. i love the easter candy. believe it or not, i don't normally eat candy. i would rather eat a cake or a pie or ice cream or something like that. not candy. but when spring rolls around every year, i put down my cookie/cake/ice cream and take up the joy of the easter candy. my absolute favorite is peeps. i could eat peeps until i make my self sick and i usually do at least once a year. there is nothing more heart-wrenchingly wonderful than a mouthful of peeps. as of late, the novelty of the peeps has somewhat diminished due to the fact that now every holiday has its own peeps. at halloween there are pumpkin, ghost and cat peeps. at christmas there are peeps. forth of july has peeps. hell, even arbor day has flippin' peeps (ok i made that last one up, but you get the idea) i rarely eat this poser peeps. i am quite the peep purest and save myself for the shockingly bright chick and bunny peeps of easter. maybe it's the gooey processed marshmallow, maybe the colorful sugar coating, maybe the insane blood sugar spike that my body labors through like junkie. i don't know. i just know that i like them so there.
i also love marshmallow eggs. they come in a real styrofoam egg carton and are, again, processed marshmallow covered in really cheep chocolate. now, i admit it... normally, i am a big ol' snob when it comes to chocolate. i lived in london for chrissakes. i like godiva, and lindor balls and fine gourmet chocolates from specialty stores. but every easter the marshmallow egg's siren song leads me down the path of unrighteousness. as i write this i have actually eaten 7 marshmallow eggs which were given to me by my lovely friend, SoJess.
i don't like cadbury cream eggs. they get my hands sticky and sticky hands are well out! plus, it seems to me that they have shrunk in the last few years. i like reese's peanut butter eggs, despite the fact that i don't like peanut butter. chocolate easter bunnies are lost on me and i have yet to figure out their appeal but the chocolate crosses with the candy easter lilies are intriguing. i love love love the cadbury mini eggs and have frequently lost my dignity in my consumption of them.
so... all in all, i love easter and the Jesus and the egg painting and the children in outfits that make them look like cupcakes, but the candy is the best thing about spring (except for that whole Jesus dying for my sins. thanks Jesus), esp. the peeps. oh peeps, you naughty beasts you.

Monday, March 10, 2008

where's my soapbox? i got something to say!

i may sound like a hypocrite but i'm not. please let me explain. i love animals. i love animals more than people. i have been known to cry at zoos as i become moved by the beauty of the creatures that i see before me. but on the flip side, i own a antique fur coat and i eat meat. my dad and most of his family hunt deer, doves, fish, squirrel and most other woodland creatures. i see nothing wrong with any of this as my dad is allergic to everything in God's green goodness and needs to eat something. plus that coat that i have was inherited from a friend who, in turn, inherited it from his grandmother who was put in a home in florida. and as for my instance on being an omnivore, screw you, i like to eat meat.
but let me just as here and now that i cannot abide animal cruelty. i can and there is nothing more to say. you know, there are people out there that bawk at the jail sentences that animal beaters get. usually the offender gets a hefty stay in the poky for doing something to an animal. and i say good. and those that give the argument that, "well... that rapist/child molester/murderer got less time in jail that the leader of the dog fighting ring, and that's not fair." all i have to say to that is sorry, bub. them's the berries. human victims have the chance to get away (granted child victims and old people can't really get away and there are always exceptions to everything) but an animal doesn't really have a defence. especially a dog. dogs are very trusting and need to be in a pack even if their pack is abusive. and those ass-jacks that have the dog fights are... i have no words... they make me so goddamned angry i can barely see straight. pictured above is one of the dogs that was rescued from that monster michael vick. the dog is hector and is being fostered in san diego. apparently, he is healing well and finds joy in stealing underwear from the hamper and cuddle time with his foster mom. look at that face. that is one cute dog. if i ever see that michael vick... i swear, i would probably fly at him like a whirling dervish and try to scratch his eyes out.
i also like chickens. i want chickens. i think that it would be nice to have chickens so that i could have fresh eggs. yes, i know that you have to go get the eggs everyday and sometimes chickens are a pain in the ass to keep, but i like them and i want some. so don't get me started on cock fighting. there was a couple that had a bunch of roosters that they kept for their cockfighting ring that was held at the back of their property, which they claimed they kept for the eggs. i hope that they catch some infection from a scratch from one of the roosters and have to have their limbs amputated.
so there was this asshole golfer that was sentenced for hitting golf balls at a hawk and killed it. fucker. i want to just beat him about the head with his own golf clubs. the poor hawk was hit in the head and had blood coming out of its nose. i love birds of prey and have a healthy respect of them after working at a zoo that featured rescued birds of prey. they are noble, intelligent, beautiful, helpful and kinda funny. even vultures are cool. mortis was our vulture and he could do tricks. i thought that he was the bee's knees. so the thought of people purposely killing theses birds pisses me off.
now, let us move on to those poor cows that were being abused by that slaughterhouse. i'm not going to talk about slaughterhouses in general, just that one that was pushing the cows with the forklifts. i cried. poor cows. maybe we should push those workers around with a forklift. poor cows.
i could go on and on about how insane i think the marines are. i haven't met too many of people from that branch of our military that are actually normal. i know that there are normal marines but most of them are psycho's. with that said, who is that fucker that threw the puppy over the cliff and why wasn't he thrown over the cliff too? god, just because you can be a dick and carry a gun doesn't mean that you should. i don't want him protecting my freedom; i want to punch him in his ass face. i know that the military kinda likes that kind of heartlessness in its soldiers but come on. it's a puppy. and it was a cute puppy at that. god, i don't even know what to say. ass.
speaking of ass, pete dougherty is next one my tirade. that ass made a crack pipe for his kitten so he could have a drug buddy. then filmed it. i cried for days about that baby kitten. i want pete to die. and that is a very big thing for me to say. i don't normally wish death on another human but this man should just od to keep his filthy drug ways away from his cat. poor kitten.
i think that i am going to stop writing now because i am getting myself all worked up and i'm having trouble typing. i do what i can to help the animals. i have several rescue animals in my home. including my ex-racing greyhound, my parakeet, my 3-legged cat and my mouse. i tried to save another parakeet from a petland that i worked at for like 2 days before i quit, disgusted at the treatment of the animals. but the poor thing was too far gone. at least i tried. don't even get me started on petland. the only reason to shop there should be to save all the animals. you would be completely disgusted by their everyday practices. no deep cleaning, rinsing the stool and urine down the sink. sick animals nebulized in cages caked with dry stool. i could go on but i'm starting to get angry again.
just remember that animals, whether they are cute and fuzzy or slimy or scaley or spiney, are wonderful gifts and that they were here first. and, more than likely, they will be here after our asshole society is long gone.